Boulder Crest Foundation
This short film captures the harrowing experience of a veteran who has returned home physically but is still trapped in the throes of traumatic stress. The film serves as a powerful call to action, shedding light on the critical mission of the non-profit organization Boulder Crest Foundation.
Boulder Crest Foundation commissioned Neymarc Visuals to develop a TV commercial and brand film to raise awareness about their post-traumatic growth programs, which help veterans, law enforcement officers, and first responders overcome post-traumatic stress through growth-focused programs.
The resulting commercial “On Duty” launched the beginning of a remarkable journey for the non-profit organization through its bold marketing strategy and the NPO’s consequent exposure from the promotional film, but also for the creative filmmaking team behind its conception and production.
‘On Duty’ – Boulder Crest Foundation from NeymarcVisuals on Vimeo.